100 BOYFRIENDS MIXTAPE is the story of a hundred different failed relationships condensed down into the story of one relationship, and the drama around it. It’s autobiographical, but it’s this term I like to use: ‘fake autobiographical.’ Am I Deshaun? Yes, but it’s like, every boy is Deshaun. He’s a conglomeration of my experiences and my friends’ experiences; the general experiences of a boy who engages in a lot of sexual acts. I feel like I have a hundred different boyfriends because it’s hard to ask one person for everything, right?”— Brontez Purnell


Purnell’s 100 BOYFRIENDS MIXTAPE (THE DEMO) is streaming through February 5th as part of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles program ALTERNATE ENDINGS, RADICAL BEGINNINGS.

Brontez Purnell, 100 Boyfriends Mixtape.

Image result for brontez purnell 100 boyfriends mixtape



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