PARIS LA is born of shared perspectives, carried by love to question the world around us and the virtue to learn from one another. It’s an independent online platform and an annual print publication committed to free interpretations in the arts.
The project was established in 2008 with DoPePress—a press for artists. For over a decade, PARIS LA with 16 issues and the work of over 100 significant contributors, has distinguished itself as a serious and original voice devoted to thematic investigations on art, photography, architecture, music, fashion, art education, and writing.
PARISLA, published annually, is edited by Dorothée Perret (founding editor) and designed by Madame Paris. The news / reviews section of the website is edited by Barlo Perry (associate editor). PARISLA is also present online through Instagram @paris.la.dope.press (its unique social media representation).
For further inquiries, please visit DoPe Press, or email to info@dopepress.fr