There seems to be a buzz… I’m in such a strange state of being, and nothing’s ever going to be the same. — Hugh Steers (1962–1995)*
A selection of oils and works on paper completed by Steers in the late 1980s and early ’90s are on view through the end of the week in Manhattan.

Through April 3.
Alexander Gray Associates
510 West 26th Street, New York City.

Hugh Steers, Strange State of Being, Alexander Gray Associates, New York, February 18, 2021–April 3, 2021, from top: Two Men and a Woman, 1992, oil on canvas; Flag, Megaphone, 1992, oil on canvas; Hospital Bed, 1993, oil on canvas; Bandages, 1992, oil on canvas; Official Letter, 1990, oil on canvas; Sleeping Cat, 1988, oil on canvas; Gas Mask, 1992, oil on paper. Images courtesy and © the artist’s estate and Alexander Gray Associates.