“Los Angeles permeates my work in so many ways. The subtlety of the seasons means that time passes in a very different way, a specific tempo with both slow changes and sudden shifts. Los Angeles has changed the way I sense the passage of time and this has affected the way I structure video and sound. I’ve become fascinated with very long and very short (almost imperceptible) durations. The vast depth of the city forces a kind of patience or long-view—I’m always aware of the mountains and the horizon.” — Sarah Rara*

The opening weekend for SARAH RARA—ALIAS was cancelled because of excessive heat in Los Angeles, but don’t miss the closing reception on Sunday.


SARAH RARA—ALIAS closing reception

Sunday, July 15, from 3 pm to 6 pm.

HUMAN RESOURCES, 410 Cottage Home, Chinatown, downtown Los Angeles.


Sarah Rara.

Image result for sarah rara video





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