This week, the Art Institute of Chicago presents the second chapter of Anne Imhof‘s performance piece SEX, with a score by Imhof, Eliza Douglas, Billy Bultheel, and Amnesia Scanner‘s Ville Haimala.

In addition to Douglas and Bultheel, performers for this engagement include Sacha Eusebe, Josh Johnson, Enad Marouf, Stine Omar, Franziska Presche, Kizito Sango, and special guest Nomi Ruiz.

The installation exhibition of the work will remain up through the first week in July. Chapter three will be presented in 2020 at Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Rivoli-Turin.

ANNE IMHOF—SEX chapter two performance
Thursday, May 30, from 3:30 pm to 7 pm.
Friday, May 31, from 12:30 pm to 4 pm.
Saturday, June 1, from 12:30 pm to 4 pm.
Art Institute of Chicago
111 South Michigan Avenue, downtown Chicago.

From top: Anne Imhof, Sex rehearsal (3), photographs by Nadine Fraczkowski; performance view of the first chapter of Sex at Tate Modern, 2019 (2), photographs by Oliver Cowling; Billy Bultheel, Eliza Douglas, and Anne Imhof in the Tate Tanks space, photograph by Nicky J. Sims; Imhof. Images courtesy and © the artists, photographers, Galerie Buchholz, and the Tate.