Tag Archives: Berenice Abbott


The Bard Graduate Center Gallery presents a virtual tour of their current exhibition EILEEN GRAY.

Curated by Gray expert Cloé Pitiot, this is the first comprehensive exhibition in the United States of the work of the pioneer designer and architect.

See link below for details.


Bard Graduate Center Gallery

New York City.

Eileen Gray, from top: Tempe a Pailla, Castellar, France; dressing cabinet in aluminum and cork, 1926-29, courtesy and © Centre Pompidou; Au Cap Martin Roquebrune, 1926–1929, from L’Architecture Vivante, no. 26, courtesy and © Centre Pompidou, Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Paris, Eileen Gray collection; exhibition pavilion, final design, 1937, composite plan, section, and elevation, pen and ink (and inscription by Le Corbusier in red and orange crayon) on tracing paper, courtesy and © Victoria and Albert Museum, London; dining room serving table, 1926–1929, courtesy and © Centre Pompidou; Transat chair, 1926–1929, varnished sycamore, tubular steel, synthetic leather, courtesy and © Centre Pompidou; Berenice Abbott, Eileen Gray, 1926, courtesy and © the National Museum of Ireland; extendable metal wardrobe at Tempe a Pailla, 1934; dressing table, circa 1920; breakfast table, 1927; E 1027, courtesy and © Centre Pompidou, Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Eileen Gray collection.