I have made conscious decisions to support artists that live in and produce within ecologies of the body and world in a way that seeks to represent the process of moving into some sort of raw reality or deeper truth, realities or truths that can only be known fleetingly. Of acknowledging what is the truth of the moment, and how that is interconnected to all living things, non-living things, systems of race and class, ideologies of power and economy, and so on. Narrative and meaning exist as support structures within this mode, but as self-reflexive tools that are also by-products. They are treated as just another level of thought trying to understand that that cannot be understood, another level of mimesis. — Paul Soto, gallerist*

AUTOMATIC DOOR, a group show at Park View / Paul Soto, will be up for one more week.

Participating artists include Victoria Colmegna, Andy Giannakakis, Aidan Koch, Mark McKnight, Dylan Mira, Alex Olson, Matt Paweski, Autumn Ramsey, Mark A. Rodriguez, Kate Spencer Stewart, J. Parker Valentine, and Willa Wasserman.

Through August 30.
Park View / Paul Soto
2271 West Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles.

Automatic Door, Park View / Paul Soto, August 2019. Images courtesy and © the artists and Park View / Paul Soto.