Tag Archives: ForYourArt


Last Saturday, ForYourArt organized A Hollywood Walk of Art: The Awards Shows, an afternoon of gallery openings and events in the South Highland district of Hollywood, which has grown into a major contemporary art hub over the last several years. The weekend event marked a momentary lull in L.A.’s winter “awards season” mania, from Grammys to Golden Globes to Oscars. All Highland Galleries opened their doors, including Steve Turner’s new adjacent location, and Various Small Fires opened a show of paintings by Mernet Larsen.


For special programming, ForYourArt hosted morning coffee-and-donuts at Donut Time, a long-standing corner bakery popular with local policemen and prostitutes alike. Behind the trendy Free City boutique, the Women’s Center for Creative Work held a workshop discussion with Free City founder Nina Garduno about the possibility of feminist utopias. Participants sat under an awning at wooden benches eating clementines, describing what their utopia would look like.


If The Awards Show was really a Hollywood awards show, the big “winner” of the afternoon would have been Performing Nonconformity, a group performance written and choreographed by Marcel Alcalá. A number of “clowns” and “mimes”, in smeared multi-pantone pancake makeup and tan skirts and tops (embroidered with their names, “Us”, “It”, “Ish”, “W/E”) gathered on the top of a neon pink and green amoebic stage built by Alcalá. Each read a poem, some improvised as part of Álcala’s Creating New Content Now series, while artist Lex Brown walked through the crowd matching audience members’ skin color to paint chits and displaying a binder of Nickelodeon cartoon characters with varying shades of color, not white, nor black, nor brown.



From the performance statement: “Alcalá’s performances function as a kind of DIY foil to the industrial entertainment complex, with costumed performers enacting a series of gestures in a silent vernacular language; a meta critical take on the spectacle of Hollywood.”




Artists’ books and cookies! Two of my favorite things! Unfortunately I will be in New York City this weekend and will miss this great event in Los Angeles. Check out the details below.

Fundación Alumnos47ForYourArt & Ooga Booga present 
Artists’ Books & Cookies 
June 28-29, 2014 
Ooga Twooga/356 S. Mission Rd. 

Please join us for a two-day presentation of artists’ books and cookies! Artists’ Books and Cookies presents a mosaic of independent artist book publishing and hand-made artists’ books constructed with special attention to unusual techniques and materials. In its third iteration, Artists’ Books and Cookies has drawn contributions from individuals living in Los Angeles, across the country and around the world. For information on previous iterations: Artists’ Books & Cookies and Artists’ Books & Cookies 2

Saturday, June 28 
11am-6pm open for viewing 
12pm discussion presented by Alumnos47 
2pm Art Book Review presents: Nikki Darling, Brian Kennon and Monica Majoli on artists’ books  
4pm John Tain in conversation with special guest 

Sunday, June 29 
11am-6pm open for viewing 
11am-1pm mimosa social
4pm-6pm zine swap
Bring your zines to share and trade! This informal gathering encourages our creative community to swap ideas, techniques and, of course, zines. 

Cookies from Sqirl 
All programming for Artists’ Books and Cookies is free and open to the public.