The Wilding Cran Gallery exhibition IT’S A SAD AND BEAUTIFUL WORLD…—featuring new figurative work by Vanessa Beecroft, Michelle Blade, Karon Davis, Katja Farin, February James, and Bari Ziperstein—is on view by appointment.

A portion of all profits from the show will be donated to Black Lives Matter and The Underground Museum.

By appointment, through July 25.
Wilding Cran Gallery
1700 South Santa Fe Avenue, # 460, downtown Los Angeles.
The show is also on this week’s GalleryPlatform.LA.

It’s a sad and beautiful world…, Wilding Cran Gallery, June 10–July 25, 2020, from top: February James, On my way home, 2020, oil, ink, liquid graphite, book, venetian blind rope, glue, sticky tabs; Vanessa Beecroft, Untitled, 2019, oil on cotton canvas; Katja Farin, Ominous Music, 2020, oil on canvas; Katja Farin, Passion Flower, 2020, oil on canvas; Bari Ziperstein, Climbing up the Lightening Mountain, 2020, stoneware, glaze, underglaze, and luster; Karon Davis, Quarantini, 2020, plaster cloth, synthetic hair, glass eyes, martini glass, resin and steel base; Karon Davis, The Mother, The Son and The Holy Spirit, 2020 (detail), plaster strips, glass eyes, cowrie shell headdress, 24K gold leaf, hemp, steel; Michelle Blade, The Puddle, 2020, acrylic ink on poplin;; James, On my way home (detail). Images courtesy and © the artists and Wilding Cran Gallery.