Tag Archives: Hernan Bas


“I do think there’s a linear aspect to my work. I’ve often said I feel my earlier series were individual chapters in a coming-of-age novel for queers. It’s an odd read for sure, but it does all tie together and it’s definitely an unfinished work….

“I’m interested in the roots of modern Homo clichés as they developed in the period leading to the origin of the tell-tale signs—the birth of the Dandy to be specific. Visually, I like the physicality of coding.” — Hernan Bas

—from Hernan Bas and Mark Coetzee, “With Apologies to David Hockney, We Two Boys Together Clinging” (interview), in Coetzee, Hernan Bas: Works From the Rubell Family Collection (Miami: Rubell Family Collection, 2007), 34 and 36.


Hernan Bas, two paintings from Bloomsbury Revisited, his 2017 show at Galerie Peter Kilchmann. Image credit: Bas and Galerie Peter Kilchmann.

