Tag Archives: Jory Rabinovitz


Jory Rabinovitz Eighty Three, 2014 (image www.martosgallery.com)

Jory Rabinovitz
Eighty Three, 2014
(image www.martosgallery.com)

Jory Rabinovitz plays with alchemy and chemistry in his exhibition now on view until June 7 at Martos Gallery in New York City. According to the press release he “starts with common US one-cent coins. First separating pre and post 1983 coins, he then refines them to their base metal, copper and zinc, then oxidizes them to produce pigment—copper making Viridian Green and Zinc producing Zinc White. The pigments are bonded in place by fabric, brick and concrete and the cameos of the coins etched onto the metals.” Wow. The exhibition is beautiful – shiny and matte metallics of silver and gold, turquoise and white, sharp and soft edges, as clean and dirty as money itself.


Jory Rabinovitz Anatolian Stack, 2014 Verdigris Green pigmented bricks, melted and un-melted copper pennies 85 x 28 x 28 inches (image www.martosgallery.com)

Jory Rabinovitz Anatolian Stack, 2014
Verdigris Green pigmented bricks, melted and un-melted copper pennies
85 x 28 x 28 inches (image www.martosgallery.com)

Jory Rabinovitz, Detail: Anatolian Stack, 2014 Verdigris Green pigmented bricks, melted and un-melted copper pennies 85 x 28 x 28 inches (image www.martosgallery.com)

Jory Rabinovitz, Detail: Anatolian Stack, 2014
Verdigris Green pigmented bricks, melted and un-melted copper pennies
85 x 28 x 28 inches (image www.martosgallery.com)

Jory Rabinovitz Eighty Three, 2014 (image www.martosgallery.com)

Jory Rabinovitz
Eighty Three, 2014
(image www.martosgallery.com)

Jory Rabinovitz, Detail: Tranz-Lingam, 2014 Verdigris Green pigmented fabric, studio trash, melted and un-melted copper pennies 114 x 36 x 34 inches (www.martosgallery.com)

Jory Rabinovitz, Detail:
Tranz-Lingam, 2014
Verdigris Green pigmented fabric, studio trash, melted and un-melted copper pennies, 114 x 36 x 34 inches

Jory Rabinovitz, Tranz-Yoni, 2014 Zinc White pigmented fabric, studio trash, melted and un-melted zinc pennies, 81 x 44 x 103 inches (image www.martosgallery.com)

Jory Rabinovitz, Tranz-Yoni, 2014
Zinc White pigmented fabric, studio trash, melted and un-melted zinc pennies, 81 x 44 x 103 inches
(image www.martosgallery.com)

Jory Rabinovitz, Diogenes Coupe 2, 2014, Zinc White pigmented concrete, studio trash, melted and un-melted zinc pennis, 120 x 56 x 19 inches

Jory Rabinovitz, Diogenes Coupe 2, 2014, Zinc White pigmented concrete, studio trash, melted and un-melted zinc pennis, 120 x 56 x 19 inches (image www.martosgallery.com)