The MAK Center for Art and Architecture at the Schindler House presents the group exhibition SOFT SCHINDLER, curated by Mimi Zeiger.

The show features works by Agenda, Tanya Aguiñiga, Pedro Alonso and Hugo Palmarola, Laurel Consuelo Broughton, Bryony Roberts Studio, Design Bitches, Sonja Gerdes, Bettina Hubby, Alice Lang, Leong Leong, and Anna Puigjaner.

SOFT SCHINDLER participants, through their respective practices and presented works, show the incompleteness of binary ideas in architecture, sculpture, and design— femininity vs. masculinity, inside vs. outside, heavy vs. light, rational vs. emotional—framing such notions outmoded. Each of these practitioners makes non-conforming aesthetics and ideologies manifest in space.*

Through February 16.
Schindler House
835 North Kings Road, West Hollywood.

Soft Schindler, October 12, 2019–February 16, 2020, Schindler House, from top: works by, left to right, Jorge Otero-Pailos and Design, Bitches; Sonja Gerdes, Pie of Trouble. Stays Trouble. Belly on Belly. Let’s Hang. Breathe you infinite. Animal Creature Plant Breath Soul. The Energy Plan. Amorphous Hypersensibility. Do Spiders Breathe? Mothersmilk. The Multiple Amorphous Us. Air For Free., 2019; Bettina Hubby, Don’t Stifle Your Emotions, Appease the Monkey Mind, 2015, and Relax, Etc., Release Tensions Regularly, 2015; Design, Bitches, Drawing Rooms, 2019; Bettina Hubby, The Response to a Hard Edge, 2019; Leong Leong, Fermentation 1, 2019, (2), with fermentations by Jessica Wang and Ai Fujimoto; Laurel Consuelo Broughton–Welcome Projects, Four Prototypes for Los Angeles, 2017–2019; works by, from left, Tanya Aguiñiga, Design, Bitches, and Bryony Roberts Studio; sculptures by Alice Lang; Pedro Alonso and Hugo Palmarola, Choreographies, 2016; Agenda, The Garden of Earthly Delights, 2019. Photographs by Taiyo Watanabe, images courtesy and © the photographer and MAK Center for Art and Architecture.