Tag Archives: Marc Plainguet



The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA, Los Angeles

Artist Ann Magnuson hosts a mini-carnival in the spirit of Mike Kelley. Featuring special guests, live music, games, and a tribute maypole dance. Squeeze extra enjoyment out of this event by attending in costume and bringing a ratty stuffed animal to sacrifice to the pagan god of Art. Messy fun for all!

Glen Meadmore calls his music “pure unadulterated corn-hole and hillbilly homo-punk.” Meadmore was a member of the infamous Anti-Club in Los Angeles and formed the band Pedro, Muriel and Esther with internationally renowned performance artist Vaginal Davis. Meadmore’s most recent recording, Cowboy Songs For Lil Hustlers, was produced by Steve Albini. His band includes Dean Opseth on bass and Dave Kendrick formerly of Devo.

Kristian Hoffman is a singer/songwriter, producer, arranger, performer and CBGB regular who fronted the seminal punk-pop band The Mumps with Lance Loud, as well as The Swinging Madisons and various stellar solo projects. A frequent collaborator of Magnuson, Hoffman also worked as musical director for Klaus Nomi and Rufus Wainwright and is currently musical director for Prince Poppycock and the Brookledge Follies. Hoffman will be joined by musicians Pierre Smith, Joe Berardi and Kim Serene in performing music from The Luv Show, Magnuson’s 1995 album partially recorded with Mike Kelley and Supersession, “Talent is a Vampire” and “Obscene & Pornographic Art” by Magnuson’s cult psychedelic band Bongwater, and The Beatles’ “Helter Skelter” in honor of the seminal MOCA exhibition.

Squeaky Blonde is a Los Angeles-based performance artist, musician, actor and designer whose work has been showcased at LACMA, The Hammer Museum, Berkeley Art Museum, Machine Project and in publications such as Art Forum, 7 Hollywood, Paper Magazine, Oblivion, LA Weekly, Propaganda, Frontiersand BUTT Magazine. Squeaky has been a nightlife personality for nearly two decades and continues to charm and terrorize audiences worldwide. His unique style blends elements of macabre high art with occult overtones, facets of surrealistic and maniacal hedonism topped with a dash of dada-esque lunacy that compliments his unique vocal range and operatic schrei. Visit www.squeakyblonde.com for upcoming dates and future projects.

Gregory Barnett, the sex and camp prone performance artist of the Psych-Out Da Da GoGo Family joins fellow cult members Diamondback Annie, Nick Duran and Meg Wolfe, in his “Home For Wayward Satyrs” in a series of “Rituals For Reprobates.” Barnett is creating an original durational dance/performance piece that is inspired by Mike Kelley which will incorporate afghans, satyrs, and other Kelley references, as well as a new Magnuson track called “Be A Satyr,” inspired in part by Donna Summer.

Michelle Carr founded the Velvet Hammer Burlesque and is now curator at arts collective HM157. Carr also founded legendary all-ages music venue Jabberjaw.

Sean DeLear is a Los Angeles-based artist and performer who Magnuson met during her initial visits in the 1980s. Part of the art and music scene that inspired her permanent move, DeLear embodies the L.A. punk ethos. DeLear will sign the theme song to John Waters’ 1974 film Female Trouble. Watch out!

Marc Plainguet (“Your Pal Satan”) joined the event after Magnuson posted the event on her Facebook page. Plainguet’s submission included an accordion rendition of Joy Division and photograph of himself painted beet red and wearing devil horns. According to Plainguet, “your Pal Satan goes to and fro in the world and walks up and down in it playing his damned accordion to help you see the darkness.”

Stephen Holman is a wonderfully inventive and madcap Anglo-American performer and visual artist whose work incorporates painting, stop-motion animation and performance art. Magnuson first met Holman back in the day when he was directing in the era-defining performance troupe Theatre Carnivale. Magnuson said, “it was only after Magnuson scheduled the One-Hour Bacchanal that I realized I had to invite him because I remembered that the idea of having everyone perform simultaneously was partially inspired by the Big Mess collaborative he used to do with performance art legends Johanna Went, Brian Routh, and the late, great Tom ‘Alien Comic’ Murrin.” Holman will be “combining an assemblage of surreal props, quick-fire non-sequiturs and occasional bouts of action painting in order to deliver an authentic medieval bestiary lecture, complete with strange snacks, alchemical experiments and readings from steamy romance novels.”

Robert Dayton is “The Canadian Romantic” and he plans to display his Great White Northernly Lust at the Bacchanal while cloaked in a new ceremonial Love God robe direct from that Province of Passion, Ontario. For more about Robert visit www.robertdayton.com.

And we really hope other performers, artists and other local merry-makers show up and contribute to the madness! The invitation is officially OPEN!

Ann Magnuson with Kristian Hoffman, Joe Berardi, Pierre Smith & Kim Serene, Glen Meadmore with Dave Kendrick & Dean Opseth, Squeaky Blonde, Michelle Carr, Stephen Holman, Sean DeLear, Robert Dayton as “The Canadian Romantic”, The Psych-Out Dada Go-Go Family Dancers: Gregory Barnett, Diamondback Annie, Nick Duran & Meg Wolfe, and Marc Plainguet as “Your Pal Satan”