Over fifty years of work by Martha Rosler—including her landmark photo-montages of the 1960s and ’70s, as well as Reading Hannah Arendt—is on view at the Jewish Museum for one more month.
In April, Rosler will give a talk at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Through March 3.
Jewish Museum
1109 Fifth Avenue (at 92nd Street), New York City.

Tuesday, April 16, at 6 pm.
Art Institute of Chicago
Rubloff Auditorium
230 South Columbus Drive, Chicago.

From top: Martha Rosler, Cleaning the Drapes and Red Stripe Kitchen, both from the House Beautiful: Bringing the War Home series (circa 1967–1972), photomontage; Martha Rosler, Cargo Cult (large detail), from the Body Beautiful, or Beauty Knows No Pain, series (circa 1966–1972), photomontage; Martha Rosler, Untitled, Frankfurt (Main), 2004, C–print. Images © Martha Rosler and courtesy the artist, Mitchell-Innes & Nash, and the Jewish Museum, New York.