Tag Archives: Noée Abita


The title of GENÈSE (Genesis)—writer and director Philippe Lesage’s beautifully considered take on the adolescent trials of a pair of Quebecois siblings—reminds us that the depredations of youth are part of a process and not (despite on-screen evidence to the contrary) an irrevocable fall.

For most of its running time, GENÈSE (Lesage’s second feature) details, with intelligence and plausibility, the social-sexual explorations of Charlotte (Noée Abita)—an uncommitted college student—and her slightly younger brother Guillaume (Théodore Pellerin, Boy Erased), who is enrolled in an all-male boarding school.

A third-act coda revisits characters from Lesage’s first feature, Les Démons. Perhaps, in an upcoming film, Lesage will return to where the filmmaker and his deeply invested audience leave Charlotte and Guillaume, simultaneously stranded yet irresistibly propelled into the unknown.

This World Cinema selection premieres in Hollywood this evening as part of AFI Fest 2018, with an encore screening tomorrow.


Monday, November 12, at 5:45 pm, with director Philippe Lesage in attendance.

Tuesday, November 13, at 6:30 pm.

Chinese Theatre

6801 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles.

Philippe Lesage, Genèse, from top: Théodore Pellerin and Noée Abita; image credit Be For Films; Pellerin (seated center), photograph by Marco Abraham. Images courtesy and © the filmmaker, the actors, and Be For Films.


Image result for Léa Mysius ava

AVA, the brilliant film debut by writer-director Léa Mysius, screens this week at the French Institute as part of their program Burning Bright—New French Filmmakers.

Thirteen-year-old Ava (Noée Abita) is losing her eyesight. Throwing caution to the wind, she hits the road with a beautiful black dog and its young owner Juan (Juan Cano).

Ava’s mother is played by Laure Calamy. A reception will follow both screenings.


AVA, Tuesday, June 26, at 4 pm and 7:30 pm.

FLORENCE GOULD HALL, 55 East 59th Street, New York City.


Noée Abita and Juan Cano in Ava.

Image result for Léa Mysius ava

