Tag Archives: Number 1 – 1949 (Pollock)



In collaboration with the Getty Conservation Institute, MOCA has been conducting – in public – a conservation of Jackson Pollock’s abstract expressionist painting NUMBER 1, 1949 (1949), part of the collection since 1989.

“On select dates, the conservator will perform the conservation treatment during open hours, answering questions from the public about the protocols and processes of modern art conservation. Three works by Pollock from MOCA’s permanent collection, dating from 1943 to 1951, will also be on view, exemplifying a range of materials from watercolor to collage.”*

Independent conservator Chris Stavroudis will be working in-gallery on the treatment of Pollock’s NUMBER 1, 1949 (1949) on Thursdays in April and May, and will be available for Q&A sessions from 11:30 am to noon and from 5:30 to 6:00 pm.


CHRIS STAVROUDIS – JACKSON POLLOCK’S NUMBER 1, 1949: A CONSERVATION TREATMENT, Thursdays, April 19, April 26, May 10, May 17, and May 24.

MOCA GRAND AVENUE, 250 South Grand Avenue, downtown Los Angeles.



Above: Chris Stavroudis at work at MOCA. Installation view photograph by Brian Forrest. Image credit: MOCA.

Below: Jackson PollockNumber 1, 1949, 1949, enamel and metallic paint on canvas, 63 x 102 1/2 in. (160.02 x 260.35 cm), The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, The Rita and Taft Schreiber Collection, © 2017 The Pollock-Krasner Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

Jackson Pollock, Number 1, 1949
