This week at Redcat, cellist Sonia Wieder-Atherton – the life partner of Chantal Akerman and a strong influence on the late filmmaker’s use of music in her work – will perform her tribute piece CHANTAL?, conceived by Wieder-Atherton and Renaud Bouchard-Gonzalez.
“I wanted to play along with her, her every move, her silences, her dancing at once burlesque and deadly serious, her anxiety as she is humming little tunes. Tracking her, surprising her, surprising myself at each step.” – Wieder-Atherton
CHANTAL? incorporates a screening of Akerman’s first film, the 13-minute SAUTE MA VILLE.
SONIA WIEDER-ATHERTON – CHANTAL?, Monday, April 23, at 8:30 pm.
REDCAT, Disney Hall, 631 West 2nd Street, downtown Los Angeles.
Above: Chantal Akerman.
Below: Sonia Wieder-Atherton.