As part of the Frieze Art and Fashion Summit in New York, Jacolby Satterwhite will join Studio Museum associate curator Legacy Russell for “Self and Subjectivity—Breaking the Confines of Identity,” a discussion about Satterwhite’s focus on “power, politics, and a dystopian future.”*

Tuesday, April 30, at 10:20 am.
The New School, Parsons
Tishman Auditorium
63 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

From top: Jacolby Satterwhite, photograph by Frank Sun, courtesy the artist, the photographer, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Jacolby Satterwhite, En Plein Air: Abduction I, 2014, courtesy of the artist and Morán Morán; Legacy Russell, photograph by Daniel Dorsa, courtesy of the writer and the photographer.