Tag Archives: Tales of the Pit (Chamberlain)


This week, the UCLA Film & Television Archive and the Andrew J. Kuehn Jr. Foundation present OUT IN PUBLIC, a program of short films highlighting “different historical moments and ways of being out and queer in public, from a Gay-In at Griffith Park to a Memorial Day barbecue at a campsite in southern Illinois. Each shines with the energy of summer revelry while conveying the importance of claiming a public space for LGBTQ identity as the literal and metaphoric grounds on which to build a community and a movement.”*

The films include The Liberation of Griffith Park, or A Gay Time Was Had By All (1971, directed by Matt Spero), S.P.R.E.E. on a Spree  (1970, Pat Rocco), and Tales of the Pit (1997, directed by Anne Chamberlain, who will appear in a pre-recoded post-screening Q & A).

OUT IN PUBLIC will begin with a live introduction from UCLA Film & Television Archive programmer Paul Malcolm and Outfest UCLA Legacy Project manager Brendan Lucas.


Friday, August 7.

4 pm on the West Coast; 7 pm East Coast.

From top: Pat Rocco (left) and a friend at a SPREE (Society of Pat Rocco Enlightened Enthusiasts) event in the 1970s; Gay Pride march on Hollywood Boulevard, 1970s (2); advertisement for the first Pat Rocco Male Nude Film Festival, 1970s; SPREE members at the Queen Mary in Long Beach. Images courtesy and © the ONE Archives at the USC Libraries, the UCLA Film and Television Archive, and the USC Digital Library.