O VERMELHO DO MEIO-DIA—a film and exhibition of collages by Tobias Madison—will be on view for one more week at Freedman Fitzpatrick in Los Angeles
The film—which was shot last year in São Paulo during the run-up to the eventual election of a far-right demagogue as Brazil’s president—began as a conversation between the artist, members of the collective MEXA, choreographer Luciana Mugayar, and curator Tobi Maier.
“The translation issues and misunderstandings arising from the situation were integrated into the process. The film became a way to hang out and to ponder upon if it is possible—as a member of MEXA stated in a group discussion—to betray every single image and still be truthful, or to abandon that idea in the first place and instead run an anti-fascist program against yourself.”*
Through February 3.
Freedman Fitzpatrick
6051 Hollywood Boulevard, #107, Los Angeles.
See “Dream House NYC,” a photographic essay on youth by Tobias Madison, PARIS LA 16 (2019), 25–36.
Tobias Madison, O Vermelho do Meio-Dia (2018), Freedman Fitzpatrick. Images courtesy the artist and the gallery, © Tobias Madison.