DoPe Press





Dropping like a Hammer Film Production from the 1970s or an errant episode of Dark Shadows, Bruce LaBruce’s new SAINT-NARCISSE takes the titular myth to its queer conclusion when long lost twin brothers Dominic and Daniel—the former a leather-clad biker, the latter the abbot’s favorite at the local monastery—find one another and meet their destiny. Starring Félix-Antoine Duval—student of the I’m-Not-Just-a-Human-Being-I’m-a-Piece-of-Meat School of Acting—SAINT-NARCISSE is a celebration of camp portentousness and sexual fluidity beyond limit.

See links below for streaming details.




Directed by Bruce LaBruce

Now streaming

Laemmle Virtual Cinema


Played September 24—30

Laemmle Glendale

207 North Maryland Avenue, Glendale



Bruce LaBruce, Saint-Narcisse (2020), from top: Félix-Antoine Duval as the twins; Tania Kontoyanni and; U.S. poster; Duval and Andreas Apergis; Duval (center). Images courtesy and © Film Movement.



  • FV


    I am based in UK. Where or when can I stream this movie ? You are inviting to “See links below for streaming details” but I cannot find it. Please advise. THANK YOU

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