I love history and it’s inspiring to me, but I want people to first have an emotional and aesthetic experience of being together in the theater. For me, it’s less about history and more about the present live moment we share together. So, of course, my research and aesthetic interests are indebted to history, but I don’t try and translate that to the audience. I try to translate specific human experience as if it’s on the precipice of “unwinding” before you. — Trajal Harrell*
Informed by the theory and practice of ballroom vogueing and mid-twentieth-century Butoh dance, Trajal Harrell presents his recent 30-minute work SISTER OR HE BURIED THE BODY—a “speculative remapping of the history of contemporary dance and its composition, weaving the links between two seemingly distant dance cultures.”
The performances in Germany are part of the Schrit_tmacher Festival 2023. See link below for details.
Saturday and Sunday, March 4 and 5
Noon and 3 pm
Main Hall
Ludwig Forum Aachen
Jülicher Strasse 97–109, Aachen
*Trajal Harrell, “Metamorphosis from Choreographer to Dancer,” Triennale di Milano, October 8, 2021.
Trajal Harrell, photographs (3) by Orpheas Emirzas.
Images courtesy and © the photographer and Ludwig Forum Aachen.