On the occasion of the publication of PARIS LA 17—CHANGE AGENTS (2021–2022): An intermittent, open-ended, alphabetical Reading List, expanding on the artists, works, and concepts raised in the print issue.
Breanne Fahs — Burn It Down!: Feminist Manifestos for the Revolution. Edited by Fahs. London: Verso, 2020.
Cecilia Fajardo-Hill and Andrea Giunta — Radical Women: Latin American Art, 1960–1985. Los Angeles: Hammer Museum; New York: Prestel, 2017.
Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian — A Mirror Garden. By Farmanfarmaian and Zara Houshmand. New York: Knopf, 2007.
— Cosmic Geometry. Edited by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Karen Marta. Bologna: Damiani; Dubai: Third Line, 2011.
Simone Fattal — Works and Days. Edited by Ruba Katrib. New York: MoMA PS1, 2019.
— “On Perception: Etel Adnan’s Visual Art.” By Fattal. In Etel Adnan: Critical Essays on the Arab-American Writer and Artist. Edited by Lisa Suhair Majaj and Amal Amireh. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2002.
Valérie Favre — Valery/Plattform 1/Exil. Edited by Annette Tietz. Berlin: Kerber, 2021.
Shon Faye — The Transgender Issue: Trans Justice is Justice for All. London: Verso, 2022.
Ana Teresa Fernández — Of Bodies and Borders. Bloomington: Grunwald Gallery of Art, Indiana University Bloomington, 2018.
Christina Fernandez — Multiple Exposures. Edited by Joanna Szupinska and Rebecca Epstein. Texts by Cecilia Fajardo-Hill, Julian Myers, Chon A. Noriega, Sally Stein, Roberto Tejada, and Szupinska. Interviews by Susanna V. Temkin, Szupinska, and Tejada. Riverside, CA: California Museum of Photography at UCR ARTS, University of California, Riverside; Los Angeles: UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press, 2022.
Teresita Fernández — Elemental. Edited by Amada Cruz and Franklin Sirmans. Phoenix: Phoenix Art Museum; Munich: DelMonico / Prestel, 2019.
Leonor Fini — Catalogue Raisonné of the Oil Paintings. Edited by Richard Overstreet and Neil Zukerman. Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess, 2021.
Rose Finn-Kelcey — Rose Finn-Kelcey. Text by Guy Brett. London: Ridinghouse, 2012.
Shulamith Firestone — The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution. New York: William Morrow, 1970; London: Verso, 2015.
— Airless Spaces. New York: Semiotext(e), 1998.
Louise Fishman — A Question of Emphasis: Louise Fishman Drawing. By Amy L. Powell. Champaign, IL: Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, 2021.
Lizzie Fitch and Ryan Trecartin — Whether Line. Edited by Chiara Costa. Milan; Fondazione Prada, 2019.
Simone Forti — Thinking with the Body. Edited by Sabine Breitwieser. Munich: Hirmer Publishers, 2015.
Helen Frankenthaler — A Paintings Retrospective. By E. A. Carmean, Jr. Fort Worth: Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth; New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1989.
— The Heroine Paint: After Frankenthaler. Edited by Katy Siegel. New York: Gagosian; Rizzoli, 2015.
Andrea Fraser— Museum Highlights: The Writings of Andrea Fraser. Edited by Alexander Alberro. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005.
— Texts, Scripts, Transcripts. Edited by Carla Cugini. Cologne: Museum Ludwig, 2013.
— 2016 in Museums, Money, and Politics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2018.
— Collected Interviews, 1990–2018. Edited by Rhea Anastas, Alejandro Cesarco, and Fraser. New York: A.R.T. Press; London: Koenig, 2019.
LaToya Ruby Frazier — The Last Cruze. Edited by Frazier, Karsten Lund, and Solveig Øvstebø. Chicago: The Renaissance Society, 2020.
— Flint is Family in Three Acts. Pleasantville, NY: Gordon Parks Foundation; Göttingen, Germany: Steidl, 2021.
Suzan Frecon — Painting. New York: David Zwirner Books, 2017.
Viola Frey — Gods & Monsters: Artwork by Viola Frey. Edited by Squeak Carnwath. Washington, DC: American University Museum, 2020.
Katharina Fritsch — Katharina Fritsch. Edited by Bice Curiger. Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2009.
Sabrina Fritsch — Syntaxerror. Edited by Daniela Steinfeld. Berlin: DCV, 2022.
Joanna Frueh — Clairvoyance (For Those in the Desert): Performance Pieces, 1979–2004. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.
Diana Burgess Fuller and Daniela Salvioni — Art/Women/California 1950–2000: Parallels and Intersections. Edited by Fuller and Salvioni. San Jose: San Jose Museum of Art; Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
Meta Warrick Fuller — Remaking Race and History: The Sculpture of Meta Warrick Fuller. By Renée Ater. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011.
Coco Fusco — Dangerous Moves: Performance and Politics in Cuba. London: Tate, 2015.
— “Deaccessioning Empire,” New York Review of Books, February 25, 2021.
— Tomorrow, I Will Become an Island. Edited by Olga Viso. Texts by Julia Bryan-Wilson, Anna Gritz, Jill Lane, Antonio José Ponte, and Fusco. London: Thames and Hudson, 2023.
From top: Simone Forti, image © Simone Forti, courtesy of the artist and MOCA, Los Angeles; LaToya Ruby Frazier, Flint is Family in Three Acts (Pleasantville, NY: Gordon Parks Foundation; Göttingen, Germany: Steidl, 2021), image © LaToya Ruby Frazier, courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery, cover courtesy and © the Gordon Parks Foundation and Steidl.