On the occasion of the publication of PARIS LA 17—CHANGE AGENTS (2021–2022): An intermittent, open-ended, alphabetical Reading List, expanding on the artists, works, and concepts raised in the print issue.
Frida Kahlo — An Open Life. By Racquel Tibol. Translated by Elinor Randall. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1993.
Frida Kahlo and Tina Modotti — Frida Kahlo and Tina Modotti. Edited by Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen. London: Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1982.
Elizabeth Louise Kahn — Marie Laurencin: Une femme inadaptée in Feminist Histories of Art. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2003.
Hayv Kahraman — Acts of Reparation. Edited by Melissa Duffes. St. Louis: Contemporary Art Museum, 2018.
Maira Kalman — Women Holding Things. New York: Harper Collins, 2022.
Suki Seokyeong Kang — Black Mat Oriole. Amsterdam: Roma Publications; Philadelphia: Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, 2019.
E. Ann Kaplan — Feminism and Film. Edited by Kaplan. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Andrea Karnes — Women Painting Women. Edited by Karnes. Texts by Emma Amos, Marla Price, Faith Ringgold, Lorna Simpson, and Karnes. Fort Worth: Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth; New York: DelMonico Books, 2022.
Dawn Kasper — “This Could Be Something if I Let It.” Additional texts by Andrew Berardini and Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer. In Whitney Biennial 2012. Edited by Elisabeth Sussman and Jay Sanders. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 2012.
Barbara Kasten — Architecture & Film (2015–2020). By Stephanie Cristello. Milan: Skira, 2022.
Naila Keleta-Mae — Performing Female Blackness. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2023.
Mary Reid Kelley — Working Objects and Videos. Edited by Daniel Belasco. Albany: SUNY Press, 2014.
Mary Reid Kelley and Patrick Kelley — Blood Moon. Edited by Karen Patterson. Philadelphia: Fabric Workshop and Museum; New York: Gregory R. Miller, 2021.
Mary Kelly — Imaging Desire. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997.
— October Files 20. Edited by Mignon Nixon. Texts by Parveen Adams, Emily Apter, Rosalyn Deutsche, Hal Foster, Margaret Iversen, Helen Molesworth, Laura Mulvey, Griselda Pollock, Paul Smith, Kelly, and Nixon. New York: October, 2016.
— Concentric Pedagogy: Selected Writings. Edited by Juli Carson. New York: Bloomsbury, 2024.
Leslie Kern — Feminist City: Claiming Space in a Man-Made World. London: Verso, 2020.
Roshanak Kheshti — Modernity’s Ear: Listening to Race and Gender in World Music. New York: New York University Press, 2015.
Annette Kierulf and Caroline Kierulf — To Make a World. Texts by Patricia G. Berman, Jorunn Veiteberg, and Lotte Konow Lund. Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2023.
Margaret Kilgallen — That’s Where the Beauty Is. Aspen, CO: Aspen Art Museum, 2019.
Karen Kilimnik — Karen Kilimnik. Edited by Lionel Bovier. Geneva: JRP Ringier, 2006; expanded edition 2015.
— Karen Kilimnik. Texts by Claudia Gould, Wayne Koestenbaum, Joel Lobenthal, Dominic Molon, Scott Rothkopf, Ingrid Schaffner. Philadelphia: Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, 2007.
— Period Eye: Karen Kilimnik’s Fancy Pictures. By Scott Rothkopf and Meredith Martin. Cologne: Walther König, 2007.
— Dance Rehearsal: Karen Kilimnik’s World of Ballet and Theatre. Edited by Melissa E. Feldman. Oakland, CA: Mills College Art Museum, 2013.
Grada Kilomba — Plantation Memories: Episodes of Everyday Racism. Münster: Unrast, 2018.
Christine Sun Kim — Oh Me Oh My. Edited by Rachel Seligman. Texts by Aileen Burns, Daisy Desrosiers, Malik Gaines, David Horvitz, Matthew Hyland, Maia Ruth Lee, Johan Lundh, Thomas Mader, Mara Mills, Sara Novic, and Seligman. Vancouver: Contemporary Art Gallery; Saskatoon: Remai Modern; Gambier, OH: Gund Gallery at Kenyon College; Saratoga Springs, NY: Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum at Skidmore College; New York: DelMonico Books, 2024.
— All Day All Night. Edited by Tom Finkelpearl, Jennie Goldstein, and Pavel S. Pyś. Texts by Mary Ceruti, Brandon Eng, Seth Kim-Cohen, Jeffrey Yasuo Mansfield, Park McArthur, Rose Pallone, Scott Rothkopf, Finkelpearl, Goldstein, Pyś, and Kim. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center; New York: Whitney Museum of Art, 2025.
Na Kim — Bottomless Bag. Seoul: Seoul Museum of Art; Amsterdam: Roma Publications, 2020.
Kimsooja — Kimsooja: Unfolding. Edited by Diana Augaitis. Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2014.
Kapwani Kiwanga — Structural Adjustments. Edited by Yesomi Umolu and Gaëtane Verna. Chicago: Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts, University of Chicago, 2018.
Jennie Klein — “Goddess: Feminist Art and Spirituality in the 1970s.” In West of Center: Art and the Counterculture Experiment in America, 1965–1977. Edited by Elissa Auther and Adam Lerner. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press; Denver: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2012.
Alison Knowles — Footnotes: New York: Granary Books, 2000.
Jutta Koether — f. Translated by Nick Mauss and Michael Sanchez. Edited by Daniel Birnbaum and Isabelle Graw. Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2015.
— Interview by Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, October 157 (Spring 2016).
— Tour de Madame. Edited by Suzanne Cotter, Achim Hochdörfer, and Tonio Kröner. Cologne: Walther König, 2018.
— Demonic Options. Texts by Allan Schwartzman, Begum Yasar, and Koether. New York: Lévy Gorvy, 2021.
Silvia Kolbowski — “Discordant Views” [1985]. In Blasted Allegories: An Anthology of Writings by Contemporary Artists. Edited by Brian Wallis. New York: New Museum; Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1987.
— Inadequate…Like…Power. Cologne: Walther König; Vienna: Secession, 2005.
Silvia Kolbowski, Mignon Nixon, Mary Kelly, Liz Kotz, Ayisha Abraham, Hal Foster, and Simon Leung — “A Conversation on Recent Feminist Art Practices.” October 71 (Winter 1995).
Käthe Kollwitz — Käthe Kollwitz. By Brenda Rix. Fredericton, NB: Goose Lane Editions, 2019.
— Prints, Process, Politics. Edited by Louis Marchesano. Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2020.
Aline Kominsky-Crumb — Love That Bunch [1990]. Montreal: Drawn and Quarterly, 2018.
Koo Jeong A — Constellation Congress. Edited by Yasmil Raymond. New York: Dia Art Foundation, 2013.
Irene Kopelman — Notes on Representation Vol. 1–10. Amsterdam: Roma Publications, 2020.
Tamara Kostianovsky — Rapacious Beauty. Edited by Gonzolo Casals. Munich: Hirmer, 2022.
Lee Krasner — Paintings from the Late ’50s. New York: Robert Miller Gallery, 1982.
— Lee Krasner. By Barbara Rose. Houston: Museum of Fine Arts; New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1983.
— Lee Krasner. Text by Eleanor Nairne. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2019.
— Collage Paintings 1938–1981. New York: Kasmin, 2021.
Chris Kraus — Aliens and Anorexia. New York: Semiotext(e), 2000; reprinted 2013.
— Where Art Belongs. South Pasadena, CA: Semiotext(e), 2011.
— After Kathy Acker. South Pasadena, CA: Semiotext(e), 2017.
Rosalind Krauss — Bachelors. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999.
Susanne Kriemann — Duskdust. Edited by Lívia Páldi and Kriemann. Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2016.
Barbara Kruger — Remote Control: Power, Cultures, and the World of Appearances. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993.
— Thinking of You. I Mean Me. I Mean You. Los Angeles: LACMA; New York: DelMonico, 2021.
Shigeko Kubota — Video Sculpture. Edited by Mary Jane Jacob. New York: American Museum of the Moving Image, 1991.
— Liquid Reality. Edited by Erica Papernik-Shimizu. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2021.
Emma Kunz — Cosmos. Edited by Yasmin Afschar. Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess, 2021.
Yayoi Kusama — Every Day I Pray for Love. New York: David Zwirner Books, 2020.
From top: Emma Kunz, Cosmos, cover image courtesy and © Scheidegger & Spiess; Frida Kahlo und Tina Modotti, German edition (Frankfurt: Neue Kritik, 1982), cover image courtesy and © the publisher.