As part of this year’s Nomad St. Moritz in Samedan, Switzerland, Alessandro Possati of Zuecca Projects and Christopher Taylor present the exhibition CHRISTO—WRAPPED FURNITURE AND OBJECTS 1961–1963, featuring a selection of the artist’s early works.
See link below for details.
Zuecca Projects—Nomad St. Moritz 2021
Through July 11.
Chesa Planta Museum
Mulins 2, Samedan.
Christo, from top: Wrapped Painting, 1963, oil painting on canvas signed Javacheff, polyethylene and rope, photograph by Eeva-Inkeri; Two Wrapped Chairs, 1961, two chairs, fabric, rope and lacquer, photograph by Wolfgang Volz; Wrapped Painting, 1961-62, polyethylene, rope, fabric belt, and oil painting on canvas signed Javacheff, mounted on board by the artist, photograph by André Grossmann. Images courtesy and © Estate of Christo V. Javacheff.