DoPe Press





WISH—the summer group show at Metro Pictures organized by Alexander Ferrando and including works by Reza Abdoh, Jean Genet, Nash Glynn, Torbjørn Rødland, Elliot Reed, Heji Shin, and Nora Turato—is on view now.

In his seminal book The Interpretation of Dreams (1900), Sigmund Freud asserts that every dream is the expression of a wish. However, in dreams these repressed wishes often manifest themselves in distorted form in order to be tolerable to the dreamer. The works in the exhibition can be viewed as dream-images that represent desires considered too uncomfortable, taboo or salacious to the conscious mind. WISH is intended to unfold like a dream, with the wish exemplified by each artwork made available to viewers for interpretation.*

See link below for details.




Through August 6.

Metro Pictures

519 West 24th Street, New York City.



Wish, Metro Pictures, June 17, 2021–August 6, 2021: from top: Reza AbdohThe Hip-Hop Waltz of Eurydice (film still), 1990, video from the production of The Hip-Hop Waltz of Eurydice, directed by Reza Abdoh, video design by Adam Soch, 95:59; Jean GenetUn Chant D’Amour (film still), 1950, black and white film, 26 min., courtesy of the American Genre Film Archive; Torbjørn RødlandHeart Like a Spine, 2012–2018, silver gelatin print; Nash Glynn, Untitled (Self-Portrait); Heji ShinDick and Snake, 2018, unglazed inkjet print, artwork photograph by Joerg Lohse; Torbjørn RødlandA Single Drop, 2018, chromogenic color print. Images courtesy and © the artists, their galleries, and Metro Pictures.