DoPe Press





Lucy Lippard and Miriam Schapiro and Joan Braderman, Joyce Kozloff, I can’t remember all the names… Pat Steir, Joan Snyder. It was a large group of women, and they were just starting Heresies, and they asked me if I wanted to be part of it. It was better than winning the MacArthur. I remember it really saved my life. I was involved, with Steir and others, in making the second issue. I got a lot of women, like Louise Bourgeois, Annette Messager, and others I thought did some interesting work and were funny. They were not deadly serious. Instead, they were funny at being deadly serious. And the thing is, there are all kinds of feminisms. I hate to say, “I’m a feminist, that one’s not a feminist, or that one could hardly be called a feminist.” There are all kinds, and that was from the very early wave of the ’70s. — Ida Applebroog*

An exhibition in Chicago featuring a selection of nude self-portraits drawn by Applebroog in the late 1960s is in its closing weekend.

See link below for details.




Through January 16

Neubauer Collegium

University of Chicago

5701 South Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago

*Randy Kennedy, “Angry Birds: A Conversation with Ida Applebroog,” Ursula 1 (Winter 2018): 79.



Ida Applebroog, Monalisa, Neubauer Collegium, University of Chicago, curated by Dieter Roelstraete, October 14, 2021–January 16, 2022. Installation photography by Robert Heishman. Images © Applebroog Industries, courtesy of the artist and Hauser & Wirth.